Click on a topic above and then click on a text below to include it in your card text.
Prose 𝟏:
Dear [Name] and [Name], welcome to a new exciting chapter in your lives. Your little one is lucky to be born into such a loving family. Congratulations on your bundle of joy!
A new baby is like the beginning of all things - wonder, hope, and a dream of possibilities. Congratulations to both of you for this beautiful addition to your family.
Dearest [Name] and [Name], the arrival of your new baby is the just the start of amazing things to come. A little one brings so much fun and happiness into our lives. Congratulations!
Hello [Name] and [Name], a hearty congratulations on the birth of your little angel. May your new bundle of joy bring happiness into your life and fill your hearts with endless love.
Congratulations [Name] and [Name] on the newest addition to your family. May this tiny being bring unmeasurable joy and warmth. Cherish each and every moment.
To [Name] and [Name], congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby! This is such wonderful news. May your lives be filled with love and laughter with your new bundle of joy.
Dear [Name] and [Name], welcoming your new baby with joy and celebrating with you the miracle of life. Congratulations on this wonderful achievement.
Hello [Name] and [Name], here’s to a lifetime of happiness with your new baby. Congratulations on this wonderful blessing. This is truly a special time for you both.
To [Name] and [Name], congratulations on your new role as proud parents of a happy and healthy baby. May your baby’s future be filled with love and joy.
Dear [Name] and [Name], a warm welcome to your newborn. This is such an exciting time, and we know you’ll be fantastic parents. Congratulations!
Hi [Name] and [Name], may your precious new born baby brings a happiness to the world and special joy to you. So happy for you both. Congratulations on the birth of your baby!
Prose 𝟐:
Congratulations on the arrival of your new bundle of joy. Wishing you and your baby a world full of happiness.
Welcome to the world, little one! May your life be filled with love, joy, and endless exploration.
On the birth of your child, we extend our warmest congratulations. May this new chapter in your lives be filled with precious moments and everlasting joy.
Congratulations on this beautiful new addition to your family. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness, laughter, and joy.
A new baby brings boundless joy, endless love, and hopes for a brighter tomorrow. Heartfelt congratulations on your little one’s arrival.
Wishing you and your newborn all the best on this happy occasion. May this journey of parenthood bring you unforgettable moments of joy.
Sending heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your beautiful child. May your family bask in enduring happiness as you embrace parenthood.
Welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood. May the birth of your new baby fill your hearts with immense joy and love.
With the arrival of your newborn, your journey has just begun. May these moments bring you endless joy, boundless love, and unending happiness.
Heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your child. May this special time be filled with love and joy as you welcome your little one into the world.
The arrival of a baby marks the beginning of a beautiful chapter. Wishing you, your baby, and your family endless joy and love.
May this little one be blessed with health and happiness in abundance, a joy to his parents, a light to all around him, and a true child of God. Our most heartfelt felicitations.
A new child, a beacon of God’s miracles, has arrived to bless your hearth and home. May the Almighty’s blessings be ever upon your offspring and you.
Dearest friends, we rejoice in the birth of your child and pray the Lord will pour out His blessings upon this new and tender life. Our heartfelt greetings to you.
A new soul, sent from Heaven above, has found home in your hearts. May you find joy and peace in this blessed event. We extend our sincere congratulations.
Warmest congratulations on the birth of your precious child. May he find favour in the eyes of the Lord and be a constant source of joy to you and yours.
A babe, the epitome of innocence, has come to add joy and laughter in your home. May your child be blessed with God’s richest blessings. Our felicitations to you.
A newborn, a gift from Heaven, has been bestowed upon you. May his life be filled with love, happiness, and God’s grace. Congratulations on this happy occasion.
We celebrate with you the arrival of your child, a blessing from above. May the Lord’s love and protection be upon him. Warmest congratulations to you.
We send our heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your little one. May his life be an epitome of God’s love and may he bring endless joy to your family.
A new addition to your family is indeed a blessing. May the Almighty guide and protect this precious soul. Our most sincere congratulations on this happy event.
God’s miracles continue to unfold with the birth of your child. May he grow in wisdom and stature, and find favour with God and man. Our heartfelt greetings on this joyous occasion.
The birth of a child is the dawn of a new life. It is a testament to the magnificence of creation and an affirmation of the miracle that is life. Warmest congratulations on this joyous occasion.
In the library of life, a new chapter has been begun. I offer my most profound congratulations on the advent of this new life, and may the narrative of this child’s existence be filled with love, knowledge, and endless possibilities.
As the stars hold mystery and the oceans hold depth, so too does a new life hold infinite potential. Congratulations on the birth of your child. May their journey through life be filled with discovery and joy.
Like a new star born in the universe, the arrival of a child ignites a spark that changes our world forever. My heartiest congratulations on this momentous occasion.
Life is a symphony of moments, and the birth of a child is the crescendo. The notes of love, laughter, and learning that this child brings will make the most beautiful music. Congratulations.
The inception of a new life signifies a remarkable milestone in the epic tale of human existence. I am elated to extend my sincerest congratulations as you embark on this extraordinary journey of parenthood.
The birth of a child illuminates our world in ways unimagined. Their small steps towards growth and understanding become our giant leaps towards a future filled with promise. My warmest congratulations.
A newborn child is a new edition to the manuscript of humanity, each chapter enriched with the promise of love and joy. May your journey as parents be filled with treasured moments. Congratulations.
The advent of your child signals not just the birth of a new life, but the blossoming of a love that’s boundless and eternal. With profound joy, I congratulate you on this auspicious milestone.
A child’s birth is a testament to the miracle of life and an emblem of hope for the future. As an erudite scholar, I applaud this momentous occasion and extend my warmest congratulations.
The birth of a child is the epitome of life’s wonder, an affirmation of our shared humanity. As you embark on this exciting journey of parenthood, please accept my most heartfelt congratulations.
Prose 𝟏+:
Congratulations on the birth of your precious little one. Your world is about to fill with love, laughter, and countless blessings. May you cherish each and every moment of parenthood, just as you cherish your newborn. May the joy of parenthood bring even more happiness and warmth into your lives. Wishing you all the best on this incredible journey.
Welcome to the world, little one! You have brought so much joy and happiness into your parents’ lives. As you embark on this exciting journey of parenthood, may every day bring you moments to cherish. I wish you strength, patience, laughter, and endless love. Can’t wait to meet the newest member of your family.
Heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your beautiful child. As parents, you will now know a love like no other, and your hearts will forever be filled with joy. Enjoy these precious moments with your newborn and may the journey of parenthood bring you immeasurable happiness.
With the arrival of your little one, your life has turned a new page. Enjoy the journey, cherishing every moment, every laugh, every cry. This is truly a time for celebration and joy. I wish you nothing but happiness and joy on this amazing journey that lies ahead of you.
A new baby fills a place in your heart you never knew was empty. Congratulations on this incredible journey into parenthood. May each day be filled with laughter, love, and happiness. I can’t wait to meet the little bundle of joy who is so lucky to have you as parents.
Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Wishing you all the joy, laughter, and love a baby brings into life. May every moment with your newborn be filled with lots of love and happiness. Enjoy this wonderful journey into parenthood.
Becoming parents is one of the greatest joys in life. I’m thrilled for you both on the birth of your little one. May this journey bring you even closer and strengthen your love for each other. Wishing you and your beautiful baby a lifetime of happiness.
Congratulations on the birth of your adorable baby! The joy that a new life brings is immeasurable. May your journey of parenthood be filled with memorable moments, endless love, and boundless joy. Here’s to the beginning of a beautiful new chapter in your lives.
I am so happy for you both on the arrival of your baby! This newborn is lucky to have such loving and caring parents. May every day be filled with moments that make you smile and make your journey of parenthood an amazing one. Wishing you a lifetime of joy and happiness.
Welcoming your little one into the world is such a special time. Your lives will now be filled with laughter, love, and happiness. May every moment of parenthood bring you joy. Congratulations, and I can’t wait to meet the little one.
What wonderful news! A new bundle of joy to fill your hearts and home. Parenthood is a journey, a beautiful voyage filled with moments of sheer happiness and times of challenge. But through it all, the love you have for your child will be your guiding light. Wishing you all the best on this exciting adventure.
Prose 𝟐+:
Dearest [Couple’s Names], I am overjoyed to hear the wonderful news of the arrival of your newborn child. This is a moment of pure happiness and love. May this little one bring endless joy, laughter, and beautiful moments into your life. Sending you warm congratulations, with a bouquet full of love and best wishes for your beautiful family.
Congratulations [Couple’s Names], on the birth of your precious child! May this extraordinary time fill your hearts with new hopes and dreams. As you embark on this beautiful journey of parenthood, may you find joy in each and every moment. Wishing you all the very best for your future as a happy and loving family.
Dear [Couple’s Names], heartfelt congratulations on the arrival of your little one! There is no greater joy than welcoming a new life into the world. I am sure this bundle of joy will fill your lives with happiness and blessings. Sending my best wishes to you and your family during this special time.
To [Couple’s Names], the arrival of your newborn marks the beginning of something beautiful and wonderful. May this journey fill your life with long-lasting sweet memories. With my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes, I hope this journey is filled with joy and love for all of you.
Congratulations, [Couple’s Names] on the new addition to your family! The birth of a child is an exceptional event, and I am sincerely happy for you. May your new bundle of joy bring happiness into your life and fill a void in your heart. Wishing you and your child all the best.
Dear [Couple’s Names], congratulations on the birth of your lovely child. A child brings a bundle of joy and immense happiness in life. I believe that this joyous moment will bring prosperity, love, and happiness to your family. Best wishes to your new journey into parenthood.
Dearest [Couple’s Names], I am truly happy for you as you welcome your newborn into your family. May this life-changing experience make you even stronger and bless you with unending happiness. Warmest congratulations on your new adventure as parents.
To [Couple’s Names], heartiest congratulations on the birth of your sweet little one! As your life takes a turn towards parenthood, I pray for love, joy, and warmth for you and your family. Wishing you the very best on this new journey.
Dear [Couple’s Names], congratulations on the arrival of your newborn! The birth of a child is indeed a blessing and a joy to all. May this blessing bring a lifetime of happiness to your family. With heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for the journey ahead.
Congratulations, [Couple’s Names] on your little miracle! This newborn is a blissful addition to your wonderful family. May every moment of your journey as a parent be rewarding and filled with joy and happiness. Sending you my heartfelt wishes for your new family.
To [Couple’s Names], I am over the moon for you both on the arrival of your new baby. May this joyous occasion bring with it joy and happiness beyond your wildest dreams. With love and best wishes for your new chapter as parents.
Classic 𝟏:
May your new little one grow to find the world full of wonder and joy, just as the world is now brighter with the addition of their light. Heartfelt congratulations to your expanding family.
The heavens have gifted you with a precious cherub, whose delightful laughter shall echo through your halls. May you find great joy in this new chapter of life’s grand tale.
Upon the birth of your little one, the world has gained a life of promise and potential. May this journey of parenthood be filled with moments of profound joy and love.
May this newest addition to your family bring forth endless moments of joy and happiness. For a child is the greatest blessing one may ever receive.
A child is a token of love, an emblem of life’s fruitful bounty. May the arrival of your little one bring you endless joy, and may you cherish these moments of tenderness forever.
As your family grows by one, may the joys and wonders of parenthood continue to unfold. A child’s laughter is the sweetest symphony, may it grace your household day by day.
To welcome a child into one’s heart and home is to introduce joy in its purest form. May you and your newborn find in each other the eternal love and happiness that every family deserves.
Your new bundle of joy brings with it a world of hope and potential. Congratulations on this wondrous occasion, may you find joy in every giggle, every coo, and every precious moment.
Blessed is the home that welcomes a new child. May your family bask in the light of love and joy that this little one brings. Heartiest congratulations on this remarkable journey.
May the arrival of your new little one be the beginning of a journey filled with joy and love. For nothing can compare to the love a parent has for their child, a love that transcends time and space.
With the birth of your child, the angels rejoice and the heavens celebrate. This precious little one is a gift beyond compare, may they bring endless happiness and blessings to your home.
Classic 𝟐:
Heartfelt congratulations on the arrival of your little one. May the joy and wonder of parenthood fill your hearts and home.
With immense delight, we share in your joy on the birth of your child. May this new chapter in your life be filled with cherished moments and boundless love.
Please accept our warmest congratulations on the birth of your beautiful child. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness, laughter, and precious moments together.
Your child’s arrival marks a blessed and joyous occasion. We extend our sincerest congratulations, along with our wishes for endless love and happiness.
Delighted to learn of your child’s safe arrival into this world. May this new journey bring you immense joy and countless blessings.
We celebrate with you on this happiest of occasions, the birth of your precious child. May your home be filled with love, laughter, and all the blessings a child can bring.
The joyous news of your child’s birth fills us with great happiness. May this new chapter be filled with delightful moments, sweet laughter, and abundant love.
Congratulating you heartily on the birth of your little one. May this child bring into your lives boundless joy, laughter, and love.
We rejoice with you on the birth of your child. Wishing you endless joy, countless wonderful moments, and a lifetime of happiness together.
May the arrival of your beautiful child fill your life with happiness and love. Congratulations on this joyous and blessed occasion.
Upon the arrival of your child, we send our warmest congratulations. May your life be filled with love, joy, and the sweetest of moments together.
Hey you two, welcome to the crazy rollercoaster of parenthood! It’s gonna be lit, promise!
Super stoked for you guys on the arrival of your little one. Remember, diapers are temporary, but the memories last forever!
No more Netflix and chill, huh? Now it’s Netflix and diaper changes! Welcome to the new world order, mates!
Welcome to the no-sleep squad, fam! But hey, that cute little face is totally worth it!
Yo, congrats on your mini-me! Can’t wait to see your kid grow up to be as cool as you guys are.
On fleek! The baby’s got the coolest parents in town. You’re gonna smash this parenting thing!
Just heard about your new bundle of joy! Let the adorable baby spam begin!
Congrats on the cutest new addition to your squad. Life’s gonna be an exciting ride, get ready!
From late-night parties to late-night lullabies, your life’s about to be so extra. Super happy for you both!
You two just levelled up to parents. It’s not always gonna be easy, but it’s always gonna be worth it!
Get ready for the wildest, most awesome adventure yet. Your little one’s gonna rock your world. Huge congrats!
To welcome your dear newborn babe,
With joyous hearts and minds aflame.
A blossom sprung from seeds you’ve sown,
In love’s rich garden, finely grown.
May life’s rich tapestry unfurl,
Upon this precious, newborn pearl.
Your newborn’s cry, sweet as a song,
In your loving arms, where they belong.
May blessings fall like morning dew,
On this life, begun anew.
A journey starts with steps so small,
God bless your little one, above all.
Bathed in love’s sweet, golden light,
A child born under star so bright.
Two hearts entwined have given birth,
To a precious gem of infinite worth.
May this babe, so tender, so dear,
Bring endless joy and laughter clear.
A baby’s laughter, pure and sweet,
A melody of life’s great beat.
A love story written in the stars,
Now cradled softly in your arms.
This newborn life, a precious gift,
May your spirits ever uplift.
From a whisper of love, a life is spun,
A new journey has just begun.
Embrace the joy, endure the night,
For your baby’s future shines so bright.
In your arms, a dream come true,
A world of wonders to pursue.
Welcome, sweet babe, to your new dawn,
In loving arms, you’ll be drawn.
A treasure more precious than gold,
A story waiting to be unfold.
May happiness guide your tiny feet,
In life’s melody, you’re the sweetest beat.
A child is born, the world shines bright,
With joyous tears in the moonlight.
The miracle of life, so profound,
In your love, it is truly found.
May this newborn’s journey be,
Filled with love, for all to see.
Beneath the moon’s gentle glow,
A newborn’s eyes begin to show.
In the canvas of life, a new art,
A testament of two loving hearts.
May blessings shower like spring rain,
On your child, free from any pain.
In the chorus of life, a new voice rings,
A melody that softly sings.
A baby born, love’s sweet reward,
A precious gift from the Lord.
May this newborn’s life be light,
Guided by stars, shining bright.
Upon this world, a new light breaks,
A baby’s cry, as dawn awakes.
Two hearts, now three, bound by love,
Blessings sent from the skies above.
May your child, in joy and grace,
Find love’s warm, tender embrace.
A newborn life, a journey’s start,
Inscribed in each beat of the heart.
May your baby’s path be lined,
With love and joy, forever entwined.
As the stars in the night sky glow,
May your little one continue to grow.
In the enchanting realm of life, a new hero has been summoned. May your journey together be as magical as a fairy tale. Congratulations on the birth of your little miracle.
A star is born in the galaxy of your love. May this tiny celestial being fill your world with light, laughter, and endless joy. Congratulations on your new adventure.
Like a phoenix rising, a new life has emerged from the ashes of love. Welcome to this new world, little one, and congratulations to the proud parents.
Your hearts are the soil, your love the water, and now, a magic seed has sprouted. Congratulations on nurturing the miracle of life.
From the dragon’s flame, a priceless gem was born. This new life is the precious jewel you will treasure forever. Congratulations on the birth of your little dragon.
In the symphony of existence, a new note has been struck. May this little one’s life be a melody of joy and wonder. Congratulations on your newborn.
A new chapter unfolds in the book of life. May your little one’s story be filled with dragons, treasures, and endless magical moments.
A new wizard has joined your enchanted family. May every spell they cast bring more love and happiness into your magical world.
The chalice of your love has overflowed, creating a magical being that will forever enchant your lives. Congratulations on this blessed event.
In the eternal forest of your love, a new tree has taken root. May it grow into a strong, magnificent being, enhancing the beauty of your family.
The ocean of your love has carried a new life upon its waves. May the journey you embark upon with your little sailor be as boundless and as infinite as the sea itself.
In the grand tapestry of existence, a new thread has been woven. Celebrations and blessings on the birth of your cherished child. May life’s richest blessings rain upon this newfound joy.
An infant, a treasure most sweet, has arrived to make your family complete. With heart’s delight, I send this floral embrace, wishing you happiness and grace.
As dawn breaks on this joyous day, a newborn enters the fray. A mirthful dance, a jubilant song, for to your lives, a child now belong.
A fresh bloom added to life’s garden, a blessing from Heaven above. May your days be filled with laughter, your nights, with songs of love.
A new star twinkles in the vast sky of existence, a miracle of life to appreciate. With this bouquet and heartfelt note, may your joy resonate.
In the symphony of life, a new melody is composed. A child born of love, in your arms now enclosed. May this blessing bring an era of happiness, foretold.
Through the passage of time, the arrival of a child is a testament to life’s divine design. May your newborn’s laughter be a joyful chime, a melody in the silence of time.
The world shines a bit brighter today, for a new soul has found its way. Rejoice in this blessing, for it’s a precious gift. May your spirits forever lift.
From life’s sweetest flowers, a unique blossom has sprung. Rejoice in this moment, sing praises unsung. A child is born, a joy undefiled, to cherish, to love, to behold.
A new dawn has broken, a child’s cry has spoken. A joy, pure and wild, the birth of your child. To this miracle of creation, I offer my elation.
A new chapter unfolds in your book of life, filled with the miracle of your newborn’s strife. With this bouquet, I celebrate your joy, the blessed arrival of your girl or boy.