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There is nothing more beautiful than being loved, loved for its own sake or rather in spite of itself.
You ask me child, what is love? A star in a pile of crap.
Love is the purpose of the history of the world, the amen of the universe.
In the morning I can’t eat because I love you. At noon I can’t eat because I love you. In the evening, I cannot eat because I love you. At night, I can’t sleep - because I’m hungry.
“Is it worth it?” asks the head. “No, but it feels so good!” answers the heart.
Love is a fabric woven by nature and embroidered by imagination.
Love has no age, it is constantly reborn.
You can avoid the sun and also the light, but you do not forget what you love!
To live is not to wait for the storm to pass, but to learn to dance in the rain.
A lot of things a person can forget, what passes in a dream. But you never forget a person you love with all your heart!
Better a lost love than never to be loved.
Body heat is better than any heater.
You can chop wood, shape bricks, forge iron without love. But you can’t deal with people without love.
Love is a glass that shatters if you grasp it too precariously or too tightly.
Four eyes that see - two hearts that beat - a common dream. That is love.
One believes in rheumatism and in true love only when one is afflicted with it.
When one dreams alone, it is only a dream. When two people dream together, it is the beginning of a new reality.
A man is often too young to marry, but never too old to love.
Love is... the most beautiful state of mental derangement.
That’s when my life began, when I loved you.
You and I! Desireless bliss flows your nearness over me. Everyday life becomes Sunday time, immortal life wraps itself around us. And human divinity I feel with you through you.
Sun cannot be without light, man cannot be without love.
I may well sing from the stars, the flower has looked at me, and if my poor song succeeds, then the star will nod to me. O star and flower, spirit and dress, love, sorrow and time and eternity.
I have loved thee and love thee still! And if the world were to fall, from its ruins my love’s flames would still rise.
He who has won a lovely wife, join in his rejoicing. I have succeeded in this throw, tones of jubilation - that is mine. So never the heart beat Never so high and never so well. Henceforth to my days Even the happiest bows his hat.
I am aware of my soul. In yours alone conscious, my heart can never rest but at your breast! My heart can never beat but for you alone. I am so completely yours, so completely yours forever. .
Silent songs I sing to you by night, to you in whose eye my mind sank, and from whose deep, dark shaft my soul drank eternal longing.
We weave us arbors of vines and roses In dewy meadows to kiss, to caress. There we will walk, all alone. There we will be king and queen.
When I am yours, I am all mine.
I do not ask your heart if it is guilty. I only know I love you, whatever you are.
It is something beautiful to see your own image in the loving eye.
If you like a person, you must understand him. You must not always see his faults here and there. Look with love and forgive, for in the end you yourself are not without faults.
True love comes from the harmony of thoughts and the contrast of characters.
One should love as much as one can, and therein lies true strength, and he who loves much also does much and is able to do much, and what is done in love is done well.
If love ruled on earth, all laws would be dispensable.
Love is not a solo. Love is a duet. If it fades away in one, the song falls silent.
He who does not smuggle a loved being into his hot arms is, as much as he boasts, a body without soul and spirit.
You slender and pure like a flame You like the morning tender and light You blooming rice of noble origin You like a spring secret and simple
It is not the perfect who need love, but the imperfect.
Love is like a fever; it comes and goes without the will playing a role.
Those who seek love do not find it; it comes upon us when we least expect it.
Love does not listen to any teaching, does not know how to live; if it were not love, they would lock it up in the madhouse.
Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
The secret of happiness is joy in our hands.
The most beautiful joy is always experienced where we least expected it.
Just work, the joy comes by itself!
There is hardly a greater disappointment than when you come to indifferent people with a rather great joy in your heart.
What the sunshine is for the flowers, that are laughing faces for the people.
Joy, my dear, is the medicine of this life! I rejoice when I hear good things from others, when anyone on our sad earth is happy, even when my dog wags its tail and the cats purr contentedly in some corner.
If we can make a person happier and more cheerful, we should certainly do it, whether he asks us to or not.
Joy is everywhere. It is only a matter of discovering it.
Joy can only be fully savored when another joins in the joy.
Every joy is a gain and remains so, no matter how small.
Just as the excess of joy often ends in sadness, so, on the other hand, new joys follow the suffering that has been overcome.
Nowhere is it forbidden to laugh or to be satiated or to associate new possessions with the old, sublime ones or to rejoice to the sound of music or to drink wine.
No miracle can affect us from outside unless we find something wonderful within ourselves to answer that miracle.
Happiness is something that can be given without having it.
Happiness belongs to those who are self-sufficient.
Happiness is not an easy thing: it is very difficult to find it in ourselves, and impossible to find it elsewhere.
Happiness often comes from paying attention in small things, unhappiness often comes from neglecting small things.
One wants not only to be happy, but to be happier than others. And that is so hard because we think the others are happier than they are.
Do you always want to ramble on? Look, the good is so close. Only learn to grasp happiness, because happiness is always there.
Happiness does not reside in possessions and not in gold, the feeling of happiness is at home in the soul.
The door to happiness opens to the outside - whoever tries to break it down only closes it.
Happiness is not that you can do what you want, but that you always want what you do.
Some people run after happiness and do not know that they have it at home.
The highest happiness of life consists in the conviction of being loved.
Basically, every misfortune is just as hard as you take it.
Oh wish nothing past and wish nothing back! Only pleasant feeling of presence is happiness.
Since it is very beneficial for health, I have decided to be happy.
Happy is not who seems so to others, but who thinks himself to be so.
Happiness in life depends on the good thoughts one has.
If one is happy, one should not want to be even happier.
Many seek happiness as they seek a hat to wear on their head.
Unfeigned enthusiasm is the deepest poetry of life, the most immediate, real happiness there is.
Happiness is not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do.
Happiness is a feeling like sun on your skin, the smell of the sea in your nose and a thousand butterflies around you.
A mother is the only person in the world who loves you even before she knows you.
When a child is born, a new world is created each time. For each new life, a unique world opens up, it is both a gift and a home.
What a child’s soul promises from every glance, so rich in hope is not a whole spring!
Through each child something new comes into the world. We are all unique and there is no one like this new living being.
Three things have remained for us from paradise: the stars of the night, the flowers of the day and the eyes of the children.
We always think that we are giving the child its most beautiful time. But it is the child who gives us the most beautiful time.
A child comes to earth, protected and loved. So that the earth may become more beautiful, where there are children.
Human life is like a journey. The first steps determine the whole way.
Early he shows his energy by crying out; because early the experience teaches him: As soon as he cried out, he got food.
Stars do not fall from the sky, they are born....
For a moment the sky held its breath and a new star shone.
The human soul is a small flying seed dust that is looking for a good soil to become a character too.
The children know neither past nor future, and - what can hardly happen to us adults - they enjoy the present.
The more we love our children, the less it can be enough for us that they only follow in our footsteps.
He works nothing, has no education, just yells, doesn’t pay rent, doesn’t clean up and makes everything dirty, constantly wants free food, disturbs the night’s rest....
Mom’s belly is gone now. Well, unfortunately, dad’s belly is still there.
But you don’t take care, and suddenly you are born.
When the stars light up the night, it is your angel who watches over you.
It has long been one of my principles that the smallest things are by far the most important.
From small beginnings spring all things.
You cannot change anything about your ancestors, but you can have a say in what becomes of your descendants.
When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laughter broke into a thousand pieces - they jumped back and forth and that was the beginning of all fairies.
When you lie down in bed, secretly, silently, a bright star goes on its journey. He searches for you the most beautiful dream from this wide earth space. It is he who always guards you and laughs in the sky only for you!
Parents always practice several professions. They are chauffeurs, lion tamers, professors, star cooks. They can live without sleep and do not need free time. Parents feed on leftovers and always make a plan B. And yet, parents are the happiest people in the world.
May you always... ... courageous attentive cheerful sincere honest humorous different crazy unique special... ... be yourself!
Children are bridge builders. They build bridges to heaven. They build bridges over deep canyons. They build bridges to our fellow human beings. And they build us bridges to ourselves.
Courage is at the beginning of action, happiness at the end.
Beauty is living your life, being happy with yourself and not caring what others think about you.
Four things don’t come back: the spoken word, the shot arrow, the past life, and the missed opportunity.
If you want to experience something you have never experienced, you must do something you have never done.
Knowing yourself is the first of all sciences.
What you have to learn to do, you learn by doing it.
There is no shame in not knowing anything, but there is in not wanting to learn anything.
There are thieves who are not punished by the law and yet steal the most precious thing from man: Time.
The basis of a healthy order is a large wastebasket.
Thinking makes the greatness of man.
Thinking is talking to oneself.
Let us beware of communicating the truth to those who are unable to grasp it.
Thinking is also sometimes detrimental to health.
A thought cannot awaken without awakening others.
The whole art of speech is to know what not to say.
Show a smart person a mistake and he thanks you. Show a stupid person a mistake and he insults you.
Really poor are not those who have no money, but those without heart and soul.
Have hopes, but never have expectations. Then you may experience miracles, but never disappointments.
Do not believe everything you hear. Don’t tell everything you know. That’s how you get through life without trouble.
Blessed are those who have nothing to say and keep their mouths shut.
We live too much in the past, afraid of the future, and completely forget to enjoy the present.
If 50 million people say something stupid, it still remains a stupid thing.
We judge foreign mistakes as prosecutors, our own as defenders.
From a thought grows a wish... From a wish grows a dream... From a dream grows enthusiasm.
As soon as you doubt for a second that you can fly, you will have forgotten it forever.
You can chop wood, shape bricks, forge iron without love. But you can’t deal with people without love.
Music is the most beautiful of all sounds and the best cure for the soul.
If people would only talk about what they really know about... then everywhere would be quiet at once.
If you want to have a good day, take it as it is. Use it, shape it, learn from it, accept it, respect it and above all: just be yourself.
If everyone sweeps in front of his own door, we will soon have a clean city.
You don’t find true beauty with your eyes, but with your heart.
You can’t tell a beautiful person by their looks.
Happiness often comes in through a door you didn’t even know you had left open.
There are three solutions to any problem: accept it, solve it, or leave it behind. If you can’t accept it, solve it. If you can’t solve it, leave it behind.
Just because you made a mistake doesn’t make you a failure. You are someone who tries things and learns through life.
The beautiful thing about spring is that it always comes when you need it most.
If someone puts stones in my path, they have to expect me to pick them up and throw them at their head.
Whoever fights can lose. Whoever does not fight has already lost.
I am not discouraged, because every recognized error is another step forward.
No danger is a match for courage.
Things are never as they are. They are always what you make them.
Do not fret that the rose bush bears thorns, but rejoice that the thorn bush bears roses.
Nobody can change, everybody can improve.
Some people first have to run their heads into a tree before they realize that they are on the wrong track.
Who wants something, finds ways. Who does not want something, finds reasons.
Remember the guy who gave up? -No? -And nobody else remembers either.
You don’t have to be good to start something. But you have to start it to become good.
If you never try anything, everything seems impossible.
If you want to achieve a lot, you also need a lot of patience. No tree grows to the sky in a day.
When life gives you a lemon.... ask for salt and tequila.
Patience and humor are two camels that will get you through any desert.
Even in the alphabet, effort comes before success.
The reason birds can fly and we can’t is because they are full of confidence, and those who are confident grow wings.
Every day is a new chance to do what you want.
I have a choice, so I’d rather be an original than a copy.
The path between reality and your dreams is also called discipline.
Be your own hero! Be SUPER, FANTASTIC, WONDERful, MARVELous... because you are something very SPECIAL!
Don’t wait for the rain to pass. Dance on storm clouds. Sing with the wind. And listen to the drops.
It’s easy: Breathe in. Breathe out. Keep going.
Life is enchanting. You just have to see it through the right glasses.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
Life is the result of your choices. If you don’t like your life, it’s time to make better choices.
We make most mistakes in life when we feel too much where we should think and think too much where we should feel.
It is not because you grow old that you lose the fun of life, but because you lose the fun of life that you grow old.
Experience is a useful thing. Unfortunately, you always make it just after you need it.
All people are smart. Some before, others after.
Enjoy your life constantly, because you are dead longer than alive.
Man has three ways to act wisely: first, by reflection, which is the noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; third, by experience, which is the bitterest.
Life is like a gift that cannot be exchanged.
Everything in life has its price, even things that you think you get as a gift.
On the way, happiness and sorrow are waiting, don’t know to what extent, don’t know how steep, don’t know how wide, don’t know how long the road.
Believe in miracles, love and happiness! Look forward and not back! Do what you want, and stand by it; because only you live your life!
Life is a challenge... meet it. Life is a gift... accept it. Life is an adventure... dare it. Life is sorrow... overcome it. Life is a tragedy... confront it. Life is a duty... fulfill it. Life is a game... participate in it. Life is a mystery... reveal it. Life is a song... sing it. Life is an opportunity... seize it. Life is a journey... take it to the end. Life is a promise... keep it. Life is beauty... praise it. Life is a struggle... face it. Life is a goal... reach it. Life is a riddle... solve it.
Life very often requires us to put things away that we don’t even have pockets for.
Life is one-tenth what you make it and nine-tenths what you take it.
The most beautiful times in life are the little moments when you feel you are at the right time, in the right place.
Life is like a painter, it draws us.
If I do what I want, at least someone is happy!
Life is like drawing - only without an eraser.
If your life annoys you, sprinkle glitter on it.
Once you realize you’re going in circles, it’s time to step out of line.
If you have to make a decision in life, flip a coin. Not because the coin will make the decision for you. -
The power to love, to enjoy and reciprocate health, self, life, friendship and spirit is the magic that conquers all.
Your life is a melody. It sounds only for you, you can determine its tones.
Enjoy your life and your thoughts will become light as feathers.
The world consists of three things: Faith, trust and fairy dust.
Every sorrow’s wrinkles disappear, as long as the song’s magic prevails.
Better an original than a cheap copy.
Fate shuffles the cards and we play.
Everyone has stupid thoughts, but the wise man keeps them quiet.
Humor accepts the world as it is, does not seek to improve and instruct it, but to bear it with wisdom.
Music is not a question of taste, but a question of attitude.
Thinking by itself does not move anything, but only thinking directed to a purpose and practical.
You have to know something in order to be able to hide the fact that you know nothing.
Cowardice is the most effective protection against temptation.
Nothing is more successful than an idea at the right time.
Disputants should know that never one is completely right and the other completely wrong.
There is a fulfilled life despite many unfulfilled desires.
No one is so crazy that he would not find someone even crazier who understands him.
“Life is not enough,” said the butterfly. “Sunshine, freedom and a little flower you must have too.”
Only enthusiasm helps over the cliffs that all the wisdom of the earth is unable to circumnavigate.
If you pick up a starving dog and make it full, it will not bite you. That is the difference between a dog and a man.
Do not immediately condemn the other. Practice leniency. Forgive. Apologize. Think of your own guilt. If everyone knew everything about the other, everyone would forgive gladly and easily, there would be no more pride, no more arrogance.
Be yourself. Everyone else already exists.
As nothing is too big for the spirit, so nothing is too small for goodness.
The smallest chapter of one’s own experience is worth more than millions of other people’s experience.
One should never have so much to do that one has no more time for thinking.
Only in a calm water the light of the stars is reflected.
Ideals are like stars; you can’t reach them, but you can orient yourself to them.
Only those who do not give up their dreams will be successful in the end.
Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can read.
It is better to light than to rail at the darkness.
Nothing that makes a person sad should be called insignificant: According to the law of proportionality, the loss of a doll and the loss of a crown are events of the same magnitude for the child and the king.
If you feel like a loser change your attitude!
Honesty is art and so rare that there are few things more important.
It is better to fail with uniqueness than to succeed with imitation. If you never fail, you cannot achieve greatness.
Every creature is connected to another, and every creature is held by another.
A friend understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today as you are.
Friends are like stars. You can’t always see them, but you know they are always there for you.
Friendship is a door between two people. It can creak sometimes, it sticks now and then, but it is never closed.
No one would want to live without friends, even if they had all the other goods.
Nothing in life is as necessary as friendship.
Without friends we cannot live a perfect life.
Sometimes you meet people and you immediately feel that they have come into your life for a reason, that they serve a purpose, teach you a lesson of life, or help you find out who you are and who you want to be.
No matter who you are, it is your friends who make up your world.
True friends are not the ones who want to pull you right up when you’re down. True friends sit with you first.
The best therapies are friendship and love.
Let’s be awkward together!
Choose your friends with care. Your enemies will find you on their own.
A true friend is someone who knows the melody of your heart and sings it to you when you forget it.
Because we cannot call angels without wings, we call them friends.
A friend is someone who overlooks your broken fence but admires the flowers of your garden.
True friendships are forever.
Friends don’t have to seek each other out. Friends find each other.
We’re best friends, we like each other better than ice cream, we stick together tighter than superglue, we don’t always agree but still remain a perfect team, all it takes is one look and we can read each other’s minds, we make plans and concoct things, we’re always special! Because we are siblings.
Birthday sayings:
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show: The people who have the most of them live the longest.
We shouldn’t take our age so seriously. After all, we are not cheese and we are not a bottle of wine.
When you get older, three things happen: your memory goes. And. The others I forgot. Happy birthday!
What a joy when they say: “Old man, you are old in years, but your spirit is flourishing.”
One should celebrate the celebrations as they fall.
The birth brings only the being to the world. The person is created in life.
Celebrate each birthday as if it were the last and remember that love is the only gift that is truly worth the effort to give.
The secret to happiness is to count life’s highlights instead of birthdays.
Have you ever thought about this: You came into the world on March 18. How funny, exactly on your birthday.
As we age, our only choice is between a belly without wrinkles or wrinkles without a belly.
To give a gift is to give to another something that you would prefer to keep for yourself.
Birthdays are the days when one contemplates what was, evaluates what is, and awaits with good hope what will be.
No wise person has ever wished to be younger.
The older one becomes, the more hastily it steps on one’s heels, the time, the so-called.
It’s amazing that you were just a little child. Today you are already a big child. Happy 30th birthday!
After the 50th birthday - we don’t deny it: most people age quickly, they go downhill.
Today my thoughts are with you. Out of all the 698 million people who have a birthday today, I chose you this year.
Today’s youth is dreadful. They do not have the slightest respect for dyed hair.
Even an old buffalo has beautiful horns.
When I was younger I could remember everything, whether it really happened or not, but I’m getting old and soon I’ll only remember the latter.
It’s not age that’s the problem, it’s our attitude towards it.
This one day a year I think is really wonderful. Because on your special day, I’ll write to tell you I like you.
What do umbrellas and birthdays have in common? They are often forgotten. I hope you forgive the delay! Happy belated birthday.
Let me think, why did I want to write to you? Is it Christmas - Easter - St. Nicholas again? Oh no, there was something else: Happy birthday!
This is a coupon for a warm birthday hug and a big kiss! I can’t celebrate with you today, but I wish you all the best for your birthday.
Where were the glasses again? - Oh, on the nose. And where the hell is the wallet? - Oh, in my hand. Where are the keys again? - Oh, in the door. Never mind, that’s how old age is. Nevertheless, happy birthday!
If your skin is slowly losing its elasticity: Just use the new year of your life to really unfold! Happy birthday.
50 years are worthy of special honor. That’s why we want to tell you: it’s good that we have you!
Not dowsing rods, not mandrake, the best magic lies in good humor.
Unfortunately, I cannot be with you on your birthday! Therefore, I wish you all the more that all your wishes for the coming year of life come true. Have a nice day, all the best.
If the letter carrier has to come again with a bigger car, we know: Today is your birthday! I wish you all the best and love on your special day.
I’ve always wanted to tell you: You’re getting crunchier with age. The back cracks. The knees crack. The neck cracks... Happy Birthday!
Today you have reason to rejoice: starting today, it’s easier. Because from today on it’s downhill. Happy Birthday!
I wish you many happy endings and great new beginnings. Happy birthday.
It’s just a number!
I just ordered 365 days of health, 8760 hours of contentment and 52 weeks of love from the happiness catalog. They should be arriving any minute now. Happy birthday.
Give every day the chance to be the best day of your life!
A hug is an ideal gift, the size fits everyone and no one minds if you pass it on.
The future shines blue to you, in front of you lies the whole life. You only have to trust yourself, so you can build on happiness.
Live every moment, it is a gift. Think of the future, it is a gain. Look at the past, it is a lesson.
It is not the years in our life that count, but the life in our years that counts.
Happy birthday! As of today, you are again arousing the interest of young men. For example, when they ask you to carry their shopping bags.
Take it easy! The first hundred years everyone has still coped well.
That everything passes, one knows already in the youth; how fast everything passes, one experiences only in the age.
What a pity that there is so little space between the time when you are too young and the time when you are too old.
On your birthday, a few words of wisdom: Smile while you still have teeth!
With the birthdays it is such a thing: The hair becomes gray, the teeth fall out and that with the hearing also worked out better once.
The wrinkles are lying in wait, the hair is slowly turning grayer, the bones are gradually becoming porous, the nose has smelled better. That’s life, no trick helps. We therefore wish: Stay as you are!
Your birthday is the day of the year when others are happy that they are not yet as old as you are.
Celebrate every birthday as if it were your last.
Well, actually I only came because the cake always tastes so good at your place.
Tell me, is today your birthday? Actually, I’m not surprised that you’re surrounded by friends, given presents by your family and praised by your children. After all, you are as wonderful on any other day as you are today.
To thank you for the cake, champagne and beer, I bring you a gift. It is to say expressly to the jubilarian on such honorary days: Embrace the world day by day and do only what pleases you. I wish you for this time always love, happiness, contentment.
What do I give you, who has everything and actually wants nothing more? I won’t give you any nonsense, instead I’d rather give you this bill - and then I’ll be quiet.
A shamrock, a penny, a chimney sweep and a horseshoe. That should be enough. Now you have luck enough for the next few years. I wish you all the luck you need for your birthday. May all your dreams come true.
Don’t cry because you are old. Be happy that at least the others are still young.
For your birthday I baked you a cream cake! You can eat it even without teeth. All the best for your birthday!
Oh, what a shock, the 4 is gone. But you’ll see, it’s only really nice at 50.
If you smile three times in the morning when you’re sober, if you don’t frown when it rains, and if you laugh so hard in the evening, you’ll live to be 120.
We do not grow older every day, but every day anew.
Forty years is the age of youth, fifty the youth of old age.
Age does not always bring wisdom. Sometimes it comes alone.
Everyone wants to live long, but no one wants to grow old.
Birthday wishes:
What you wish for yourself, I wish for you! May all your wishes come true and happiness and contentment accompany you in your new year of life.
For the new year of your life I wish you only the best! May all your wishes come true.
For your birthday I do not wish you a nice day. No, instead I wish you many beautiful days, wonderful weeks, sunny months and of course many happy years!
I wish you on your life ways, above all luck, patience and no rain. And regnets nevertheless - I mean it well - then I wish you still on top of it n waterproof rain hat!
I hope your new year of life is as beautiful as the old one was. It applies to worries, frustration and sorrow: No connection under this number.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart for your birthday all that you wish for yourself.
I wish you only the best for your birthday. Stay happy, healthy, satisfied - just as we love you!
On your birthday I wish you five thousand three hundred fireflies, nine hundred and thirty butterflies, two and a half million rays of sunshine and five dozen fresh breezes that will surround you and bring you joy! Happy birthday to you.
I wish you a thousand stars shining on your birthday and bringing you only the best for the future.
I wish you all the love and happiness on your birthday! Feel tightly pressed and kissed. Enjoy your special day.
I wish you a wrinkle-free skin, no crow’s feet, soft hands, full hair, youthful drive and. The birthday fairy already has enough to do, we don’t want to overdo it. In this sense: All the best!
So old already? Well, what can you do. I wish you at least that the infirmities of age may spare you for a long time, you old bone.
On your birthday I want you to have a big piece of cake, pick some daisies, have a glass of lemonade, enjoy the weather and relax. Happy birthday!
May the most wonderful days of the past year be the worst of the coming one! Happy birthday
Sorrow be lame! Worry be blind! Long live the birthday boy!
May you live as long as you want and want it as long as you live.
Birthdays have a way of making time. Time to celebrate. Time to reflect. Time to laugh. Time to ponder. Every birthday is special. No year is the same. So enjoy it and shape it the way you want.
A long poem I do not keep. So it’s enough if I tell you: Enjoy your birthday!
In life you need not only money, you also need love, joy, happiness - I wish you a piece of all.
I am not a poet who is good at rhyming. But this year, that is probably clear, I wish you for the celebration of course only the most beautiful.
For your birthday I wish that spring, autumn and summer become one. They should bring you the brightest sunbeams, the most vivid colors and the most beautiful flowers. I wish you all the best!
The wind tells it in the valleys. The sun shouts it out loud. The birds are chirping above rooftops. Joy lives in your house. You alone the world wants to sing today and bring you on this day the most beautiful gifts.
May you be poor in sorrows and rich in blessings.
It is really stupid, a year is already over today. I wish you for your coming year that it will be even more beautiful than the old one was.
In the new year happiness and salvation, on pain and wounds good ointment! On a coarse block a coarse wedge! On a rogue one and a half!
Birthday poems:
If luck wants to give you something good according to its meaning, say thanks and accept it without much hesitation. Every gift is welcome, but above all: That which you strive for, may you succeed.
I wish you much joy, then everything will be fine. Go all your ways with love, happiness and courage.
Year after year it greets you with gifts more and more joyfully it blossoms around you - and all the more you learn to limit yourself.
Happy birthday to you and all the best!
In the garden already a while snowdrops, crocus and violets bloom. I didn’t think twice and made a beautiful bouquet. I’ll bring it to you for your birthday. Spring sends you its best regards. He says, with all the sunshine he likes to come to you. So that your new year of life is sunny, happy, bright and clear.
The wrinkles around your forehead, let them only cheerfully entwine; these are the scars, the thoughts beaten into it.
When the birthday approaches again, the relatives are quickly ready, there are many a wet kiss. For the birthday child it is a must to bear the procedure quietly, he thinks: Do not despair.
Have sun in your heart, whether it’s storming or snowing, whether the sky is full of clouds, the earth is full of strife! Have sun in your heart, then come what may! that shines full of light for you the darkest day! Have a song on your lips, with a cheerful sound and makes you anxious even the everyday hustle and bustle! Have a song on your lips, then come what may! that helps you overcome the loneliest day! Have a word also for Andre in sorrow and in pain and say what makes you so cheerful yourself: Have a song on your lips, never lose heart, have sunshine in your heart, and all will be well!
You mustn’t lose heart, in love nor in song, if you fail in a daring venture, a throw in a game.
When time flies, years multiply, then it is time for us to honor you. For this reason we congratulate you: stay always happy and healthy!
When, so to speak, this day is approaching in the calendar, you put cakes in the tube, salads of potato and carrot come on the freshly set, big table. And finally, your guests come to this your cradle celebration. And then they say: How nice it was, we will come again next year!
I wanted to dedicate something to you, no, give you something that doesn’t cost too much. But what is made of sheet metal rusts, and the brass objects oxidize. And it should cost something. Because of trouble I add something extra, even small jokes. If I had something antique with what I own --- but what good is a lance tip! The two lion heads on the beer mug are already in pieces. And I like the Buddha myself. And you do not collect butterflies, which my friend brought from China.
Give big or small, but always dignified. When the thoughtful weigh the gifts, Be your conscience clear.
Oh how beautiful that You were born! Congratulate us that we have You, that we may often enjoy Your heart’s good gifts without guile.
Christmas Sayings:
I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all year long.
White are towers, roofs, branches, and the year is running out, and the most beautiful feast is here!
When one gives love to the other, when the misery of the unfortunate is alleviated, when hearts are satisfied and happy, God descends from heaven and brings the light: then it is Christmas.
Coming home is what the Child of Bethlehem wants to give to all those who weep, watch and wander on this earth.
The contemplative days between Christmas and New Year’s Day have already brought some people to their senses.
Christmas time is the time when you buy things for other people that you can’t afford yourself.
... And I’ll be home for Christmas. We all do, or should. We all come home, or should come home. For a short rest, the longer the better, to take in and give rest.
Happy faces, hands we hold out to each other, are the most beautiful gifts at Christmas.
Advent means that for four weeks, one light after another comes to us.
When you add up all the things that money can’t buy, the presents become truly beautiful.
In those days, Emperor Augustus issued an order to register all the inhabitants of the Empire in tax lists. This happened for the first time; at that time Quirinius was governor of Syria. Then everyone went to his town to be enrolled. So Joseph also went up from the city of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David. He was going to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for Mary to give birth, and she gave birth to her son, the firstborn. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.
How I suffer with longing! If only it were Christmas!
Christmas is like a keyhole through which a glow from home falls on our dark earthly path.
Eyes wide, hearts wide, that’s what Christmas is for us!
In the eyes this shine, the breath is caught and we are waiting for the holy night which brought peace into the world.
When stars sing and flakes giggle, when warmth wraps its mantle around you, when scents dance around you and joy and happiness laugh for you, then Christmas Eve is here for you, then Christmas is here!
Today I am a child again! Today we are all allowed to be children again. Today is Christmas - for everyone.
There comes a time in the days to come.... I want to tell you with nice words: don’t eat too much pastry! The resulting Christmas pounds you wish away soon.
Christmas time: eyes shine, hearts glow, hands warm.
Christmas is always when bright lights shine on dark days.
Shine on me, light. Shine on my neighbors, light. Shine also on my enemies, light. You light of Christmas shine for all people.
The shorter the days become, the longer the time for people to give warmth and light to others.
Christmas means singing. Christmas means laughing. Christmas means giving. Christmas means joy. Christmas means family.
The person who gives courage, joy and confidence to others at Christmas lights a candle. And this candle never stops burning.
Christmas is a time of miracles - they can happen even in small ways, in secret. We just have to open our eyes to see them.
Candlelight and snow flurries promise a festive Christmas season.
Christmas, that is warmth. Christmas, that is family. Christmas, that is celebration. Christmas, that is peace. Christmas, that is joy. Christmas, that’s everything we want.
Eat until we burst, laugh until we cry, sing until we are hoarse and celebrate together as long as we can. That is Christmas in our family.
Christmas is not just once a year. Christmas for me is whenever we are together.
When it comes to giving gifts, it’s not the digits before the decimal point that matter, but the significance in our hearts.
Christmas glow, dance of lights, violins of heaven, winter round dance, contemplation, Christmas time.
Here a cookie, there a cinnamon wafer. Nibbling on the gingerbread house and tasting the stollen. Christmas time can be so beautiful. Merry Christmas!
It’s Christmas time, it’s Christmas time! If that’s not a reason to wish you all the best for the holidays and the coming year, I don’t know what is. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Rain or flakes, friendly or dry - the holiday is not far. I wish you the most wonderful Christmas in any weather.
I think of you and am all yours, at Christmas I want to be with you.
I hear songs and want to sing, I hear words and want to ring, I want to tell you the most beautiful Christmas wishes these days.
Ring-ding-ding - The Christmas bell wishes you happy holidays, delicious food, fun times and dear people near you!
I am the dear Christmas bear - and I wish that I would be with you. I pull the coat over the fur and hurry through the night very quickly. Very soon I will be with you, then we celebrate in candlelight.
We wish you a wonderful Christmas, family joy, wonderful. Let us give you presents, celebrate beautifully A merry Christmas, goodbye.
Christmas carols are the most beautiful messengers of a winter season. Candles are glowing, fir trees are fragrant Oh, sweet Christmas time.
You are my most beautiful Christmas star. Your smile, oh, it shines so far away. How glad I’d be to be with you In the sweet, warm candlelight.
Even the most wonderful Christmas tree is nothing if you are not with me.
Even if ice and frost cover the land Let us sing and celebrate the merry Christmas.
I wish you a sea of dancing snowflakes, a horizon of golden shimmering stars, and a path of shining crystals! Have wonderful Christmas days with your loved ones.
Just like it used to be, my wishes come in the mail! The card is to tell you: I’m thinking of you. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
As if I had ordered it just for you, the sky shines a star. He sends you the bright greetings for Christmas.
We are here and you are there! But in our thoughts we are with you even more than usual for Christmas this year. We wish you happy holidays and a happy new year.
Knock, knock! We hope you won’t let them wait too long outside the door, our Christmas greetings. We’ve sent them on a long journey to wish you a very special and personal Merry Christmas.
From zero to one hundred in one second? That can only be the scale after Christmas. We wish you happy holidays anyway!
To give as a gift means to give to another something that you would prefer to keep for yourself.
The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem is not a one-time story, but a gift that will always remain.
When we give love, a kind gesture or a warm word, it brightens the world more than all the lights, neon signs and sparklers at Christmas.
The way of giving is more important than the gift itself.
If only we could, we would be with you. Too far is the way to your door. However, in spirit we are there: we wish you a great Christmas and a happy new year!
It is the spirit of Christmas that fills us with life and makes us hibernate in the mantle of love.
Christmas - and not only Christmas - should be a celebration full of friendship and joy for everyone. To be a friend to another is the best thing that one can give to another.
When their first candles light up, then go out to the silent night, with a Christmas-tuned heart and wait until their radiance awakens.
Loving through candle brightness, mild, like forest fragrance, the Christmas season moves, and a simple happiness scatters on the threshold beautiful flowers of the past.
And again, out of the darkness, Christmas makes its stars twinkle! The angels in heaven are heard kissing, and the whole world smells of peppernuts.
“Mom, how does the Christ Child actually know if I have been good this year?”
This is the night when the great God’s kindness appeared to me; the child whom all angels serve brings light into my darkness, and this world and sky light does not give way to a hundred thousand suns.
We should ask ourselves if the most beautiful gift at Christmas is not the time we are allowed to spend in the comforting security of the family.
The angel said to them: Fear not, for I proclaim to you great joy!
The flakes are softly trickling, a star is on its way. Flies over seas, deserts far.
The most beautiful time of the year... Stars shine at Christmas. Candles warm at Christmas. Children laugh at Christmas. Families celebrate at Christmas. Hearts open at Christmas.
It is not the grand gestures that matter. At Christmas, our eyes see in small things what life means.
Christmas greetings:
Not only because today is Christmas, I want to tell you how important you are. I wish you a contemplative time, and under the bright Christmas star: love, happiness, contentment!
For Christmas I want to greet you warmly! I wish you that your wishes come true and that you find the time to arrive at yourself on this special day.
Christmas is not only once a year. Christmas is every day. Feel therefore greeted and firmly pressed. Not only on Christmas Eve, but every day of the year.
We tell our loved ones far too seldom how important they are to us. That’s why I want to tell you today: My Christmas is only made brighter by the fact that you exist! Merry Christmas.
The star that is in the sky today, when it rises soon, will tell you many things, beautiful things, make you think and laugh. I wish that it will shine for you at Christmas.
I greet you from afar. And believe me - I would like to be with my loved ones.
I send you a thousand Christmas greetings! I wish you that all your wishes will come true for Christmas. May your plans for the coming year be successful. Contentment shall accompany you all the time.
May the light of Christmas shine brightly for you. The light of the Christmas season shall illuminate things. The light of the Christmas season shall clear your view. Let the light of Christmas give you gifts. Let the light of Christmas protect you. The light of Christmas shall greet you and accompany you throughout the year.
The greeting is not longer than last year’s, I am not a great singer and do not make wishes come true.
I would like to squeeze you for the feast. But that would not really be wise, I would be - with bag on the back - for weeks on the road. To sweeten the festive season for you anyway, I send you these Christmas greetings by card.
Hello my sweetheart, many Christmas greetings I send you gladly unfortunately from afar, but wholeheartedly I wish you bright candles to the colorful tree in short, nen real Christmas dream.
May you take the time to celebrate the quiet miracles that have no admirers in the noisy world.
I wish you a peaceful holiday season where you can leave the stress of everyday life behind. For the coming year, much happiness, love and success.
May you always have work to do for your hands. May you always have money in your pocket, a coin or two. May you always have sunlight shimmering on your windowsill and the certainty in your heart that a rainbow will follow the rain. May the good hand of a friend always be near you, and may God fill your heart with joy and encourage your spirit to sing.
Christmas tree, baubles, Christmas lights conjure up radiance on your faces. How wonderful it would be if you were there now! If not this year, then next.
May each day bring you radiant, happy hours that stay with you all year.
All filled with bliss - candlelight happiness and joyful glow. Glow at Christmas time and all fears become small!
We wish you on Christmas days - and we are not ashamed to say it out loud - good food and wine to pour.
My dear sweetie! Here are my Christmas greetings. I send them to you with best wishes and hope you have a quiet hour to stay with yourself in silence in the noisy Christmas hustle and bustle.
Hours just for the two of you and a wonderful Christmas time. Coziness in the warm house That’s how Christmas looks the most beautiful!
Whatever you can do or dream to be able to do, start it now.
Christmas is just around the corner Ready with songs, gifts, candlelight I wish you much merriment May this time always be peaceful.
Take the road as it comes. Always be content with what you have. Dream and love.
For Christmas I wish you contentment that no money in the world can buy!
Feed stars made of gingerbread. Don’t let Knecht Rupprecht scare you. Write a long letter to the Christ Child and turn the green fir tree into a shiny Christmas tree with colorful baubles and lots of bright lights. Send Christmas mail to your friends. Go on a trip and visit the Christmas bakery and the elves at the North Pole Feed the reindeer in their stable. Hug a little angel. The ice flowers at the window whisper to you Go on a journey with the snowflakes. Put on your favorite hat. And don’t forget your gloves. Let yourself be carried away by the magic of Christmas!
Valentine’s Day:
Once love has germinated, it sprouts roots that no longer stop growing.
The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing.
The highest happiness of life consists in the conviction of being loved.
O tender longing, sweet hope, the golden time of first love! The eye sees heaven open, the heart revels in bliss. O that it would remain eternally green, the beautiful time of young love!
As much as love grows in you, so much beauty grows in you. For love is the beauty of the soul.
I say it to you with all my heart, and I certainly do not mean to joke, I say it as it is for me: I love you always and forever!
I love you so much: You are the reason why I can’t sleep at night. You are the reason why I can’t eat in the morning. You are the reason I am tired and hungry during the day! I like you anyway. Happy Valentine’s Day!
I couldn’t be without you anymore. I love you - not just today, but every day of the year. Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
If flowers could speak, they would tell you: You are my great love! I am glad that you exist.
You are my most beautiful love song. You are my best melody. Not only on Valentine’s Day - but since the first day we met.
Without you, sweetheart, what would the celebrations be? Without you, sweetheart, what would the dance be? If you were not my darling, I would not dance!, If you always remain, life is a celebration. Without you, my love, what would be the feasts? Without you, sweetheart, what would the dance be?
And whatever beautiful things happened to me and whatever happiness I wanted to unite with my being - it seems to me that I have only lived since I saw you.
You and me. I and you. You and me. Mine and yours. We have each other. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.
Valentine or not, I love you more every day!
When I set out to put together the puzzle called life, I had no idea you were just the piece I needed to make the result perfect.
Will you be my Valentine?
Do you actually know that I love you? From the earth to the moon and much further. I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day!
For Valentine’s Day 30 hugs, 500 smacks and 1000 kisses. Just for you!
I love you even more than my computer! All the best for Valentine’s Day.
Being in love means not having to sleep anymore. Real life is more beautiful than any dream.
These flowers are from me, my whole heart, I give them to you!
There is only one task, and that is to increase the love in us.
Doubt the sun’s clarity, doubt the stars’ light, doubt whether truth can lie, but not my love.
If ever a day comes when we can’t be together - Keep me in your heart, for there I will always stay.
If the sky were made of paper, and every star were a writer, and every writer had a thousand hands, they would not write our love to the end.
A greeting comes from far away, it tells you quickly: I love you! Maybe you will get butterflies in your stomach? It would be nice. Do you like me too?
How good that I have ears on my head. Otherwise I’d be grinning in circles just because you exist.
What happiness to be loved, and love, gods, what happiness.
You only need to love and all is joy.
Because of you my world is upside down. Because of you I feel sick all the time. Because of you I only grin stupidly. Because of you I forget everything I wanted to do. Because of you, I feel better than ever. Happy Valentine’s Day!
With you, love is in the air! Sometimes so much that it takes my breath away with your beauty.
My day becomes bright when I think of you.
By chance you see each other, you feel, you stay, and little by little you become intertwined.
Those who seek love don’t find it, it comes upon us when we least expect it.
There are three things I cannot live without. The sun brightens the day. The moon lights up the night. And You brighten my life!
Close your eyes and feel the sunbeam that takes us on a cloud, to the stars, to the universe. Here we are alone. Just the two of us. Forever.
But the most beautiful thing here on earth is to love and be loved!
I want to kiss you, touch you, I would like to feel you so much. How beautiful that would be, I ask you: Do you perhaps feel just like me?
We are mortal where we are loveless. Immortal, where we love!
I love you, it’s still a secret. But today I want to be honest. From now on I’m yours forever and I hope you’ll be mine too.
You are like a flower, so lovely and beautiful and pure; I look at you, and melancholy creeps into my heart. I feel as if I should lay my hands on your head, praying that God will keep you So pure and beautiful and lovely.
Just as buds need sunlight to become flowers, every human being needs love to be truly human.
I love you unconditionally, my affection is great. I stay with you all the time, now, always and forever.
Oh, if it be to choose and call thee mine, love, thou art every day my Valentine!
I don’t care that today is Valentine’s Day!
I must go out, I must go to you, I must tell you myself: You are my spring, you only to me In these light days. I don’t want to see the roses anymore, I don’t want to see the green mats anymore, I don’t want to go to the forest anymore, for fragrance and sound and shadow.
I love you because I must love you... I love you because I can’t help it; I love you after a heaven’s end; I love you through a spell.
Know a person who understands you completely, who always stands by you in bitterness, who loves even your weaknesses because you are his; then everything may break you are never alone.
You and I! Desireless bliss your nearness flows over me. Everyday life becomes Sunday time, immortal life wraps itself around us. And human divinity I feel with you through you.
If you have kissed my lips sore, kiss them whole again, and if you have not finished by evening, there is no hurry.
You are not beautiful, and yet I love you. You lie, and yet I believe your words. You never open to me the sacred gates of your grace, and yet you entice me. Why do you confuse what is my nature, make my ways stumbling and dangerous? Because you are unfathomable to me, inexplicable - and nevertheless solution of all riddles.
The polar bear lives in Siberia. The wildebeest lives in Africa. There lives the drunkard in deliriums. Only you live in my heart. The blonde swims in the sea. The shark watches her in amazement. The sardine swims in the oil. Only you swim in my heart. The storm bends the strong pine. The grass bends the colorful cow. The maid bends the vermin. But you bend my poor heart. The coachman sits on the goat. The savage sits in the canoe. The louse is sitting on the curl. Only you sit in my heart. In the glass the spark breaks The night breaks to cool rest. The young man breaks after drinking My poor heart that only you break. The baker spits into his hands. The cook spits in the ragout. The rascal spits on the walls Only you haunt my heart. The forester chops his pines. Leo slams the doors. The teacher beats his brats In my heart it’s only you who beats From buckets he drinks. Donkey’s mare. The drunkard drinks without rest or rest. In my heart you’re the only one who sighs In Poland the brown bear growls. In the forest the kangaroo cries. The tapeworm gnaws at the caldron Only you gnaw at my heart. The iron hammer roars at Krupp. The chimney always roars shut. The furnace in the chamber is noisy. Only you rest in my heart.
You are my land, I am your tide that longs for you; you are the beach to which my blood returns without end.
When I think of you, it’s like looking at the moon; a quiet peace comes over me. I don’t know what will happen to me.
True love listens to the chorus of heavenly ecstasies, true love has no ear for the bickering of the bases.
What do I want? That’s all I need. A coffee, a roll. And you.
St. Valentine is holy, I’m really in a hurry, I want to see you today. We are then just for us and have a great time. Then we light a candle for Valentine, the good man.
Everyone knows that, whoever, healthy and strengthening is the egg.
Easter is knocking at our door, the flowers want to sprout and raise their heads.
Does it exist or does it not exist? Does it deliver what it promises? Many a child wonders. But in the end it is certain: Only the Easter Bunny can hide eggs in meadow and grass!
For this springtime Easter, I’ll hide a magical chocolate nest for you!
Hei, juchei! Comes here! Let’s look for the Easter egg! Always, here and there and in every place! Is it still so well hidden, finally it is discovered. Here an egg! There an egg! Soon it’s two and three.
Every year, the Easter feast is quite arduous for the hare.
Dear, good Easter bunny! I’ll put flowers in the vase for you. And I hope you have a delicious chocolate egg for me. (Maybe two, three or four. ) Dear Has, thank you!
The Easter Bunny goes to the feast, to the well-hidden hen’s nest. The eggs that he steals there, are then still misappropriated. Are dyed red and blue, no longer brown, spotted and gray. He hands out the colored eggs, distributes them around our house. Where the children see them, pick flowers to thank the rabbit.
On green, juicy meadows, something will sprout at Easter. These fruits are almost round and in masses also healthy. In bright colors they shine in the grass, it jumps around the Easter bunny. What is it about? We are so free - the speech is from the Easter egg!
A rabbit that lays colorful eggs?
Egg, egg, egg!
Yes, the winter is over, the spring is coming, the birch twigs are swaying and the red egg is shining.
When the chocolate germinates, when after long pressure from poets ‹Glockenklingen› finally rhymes with ‹Lenzesschwingen› And the Easter bunny is already pressing in the back, then Easter is coming soon.
Clouds move with the wind, the sun shines down. On earth every child in the green grass today again seeks colorful treasures with soft nest. How beautiful is the Easter feast.
Mother’s Day:
God could not be everywhere. That is why he created the mother.
A child without a mother is a flower without rain.
Good things are rare. That’s why you only exist once! Happy Mother’s Day.
I wish my little mother a life full of sunshine!
No wisdom that can be taught on earth can give us what a mother’s word and look gives us.
Heaven is at the feet of the mother.
Sweet as the mother is nothing on earth to the child. Yes, children, love the mother! Life does not bring you a love that is as good as this.
The heart of the mother is always with the children. The hearts of the children are always with the mother.
Only a mother alone knows what it means to love and to be happy.
A mother’s love does not divide itself between the children, it multiplies itself.
You used to hold me on your lap. Today you still hold my heart in your hand.
Dear mother! I love you as much as the moon loves the stars as much as the sky loves its air as much as the flowers love their fragrance as much as the meadow loves its blossoms may God always protect you.
You are the best mom I have! Happy Mother’s Day.
No bird sits in fluff and moss in its nest so warm as I on my mother’s lap, on my mother’s arm. And if my head and foot aches, all pain fades away, my mother gives me a kiss and presses me to her heart.
It is now time for me to say it, for today is Mother’s Day. I, who love you more than anything, am so glad that you exist. Not to know you in my proximity, that is a real fright. So I want to kiss you quickly now, I won’t give you away.
We would really never be showered, and not very well coiffed, the shoes would not be tied, certainly not polished first.
I really like you very much, I’ll never give you away! I tell you on Mother’s Day, I really always like you. You are quite wonderful to me, I love you, you are my star.
There is no place in the world where you would be safer than in your mother’s arms.
My mother had a bunch of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.
Before you are born, you are already loved! Your mother is the person who does that for you.
There is only one completely selfless, completely pure, completely divine love, and that is the mother’s for her child.
I bring you roses, tulips and daffodils, many a shirt I have worn out, which you sewed and quickly mended.
I didn’t pick some flowers today to give you their life.
My mother taught me....
Kids love moms who let them lick the stir sticks while they bake. But even more, they love moms who turn off the mixer before they do, too.
If I had to choose among all the moms I saw, I would have chosen my mom.
I only have the one and she is like none! We make nonsense and laugh, we sing weird things. We are sometimes serious, sometimes funny, we have heated discussions ---- and in the end we are even again.
Father’s Day:
Of all the dads in the world, you are the greatest superhero!
Becoming a father is not difficult, but being a father is.
We want to make you happy with beautiful things. Let us surprise you and give you presents, we will think only of you today.
On this very special occasion, I wish you, Dad, only the best! What I’m about to say comes from the heart: Have a great Father’s Day!
Did you know that even a father can have his days. Fortunately, only once a year. Happy Father’s Day!
What do you call a man who has accomplished something that has a hand and a foot? --- Father.
A father is someone who suddenly carries photos in his wallet where his money was before.
Anyone can be a father. But only very special people are a father.
I can’t sing songs yet, but I can bring flowers. I’m only a three-cheeked boy, but I want to say thank you.
I’ve taken off my children’s shoes, I’ve traveled the world, but I always like to come back, because there you are, that’s my happiness. I say now what I say too seldom: I am proud that I have you for a father!
You tell the most beautiful stories, if something is broken, you can fix it, you often carry me on your back, and also help me to pick flowers, we paint colorful pictures, on you as a horse I ride through the house. You are perfect, a superhero, the best dad in the world!
In your arms I could cry, laugh, and later make nonsense again. I am not only your child, I know that we are friends too.
What the earth knows of beauty, what it calls sweet and lovely, what it believes high and holy, does not reach to the father’s head.
Cheers dad, we raise a glass. To you, to us, and that we have you as our father!
When I was 14, my father was so stupid that I could hardly stand him. But when I turned 21, I was still amazed at how much the old man had learned in seven years.
Wedding Day:
I still can’t believe how well we fit together. That’s why I wish for a long time for us - for you and me - to be together.
8 years ago we got married. And I must confess: I would do it again! Happy wedding anniversary.
Some things, you missed forever. Not kissing your first crush in the sandbox, having a cake fight with your friends, not talking back to your teacher in school, not going on a trip when you were young, or just dying your hair green.
Too bad we are already married. I’d love to ask you again!
Spouses who love each other say a thousand things to each other without speaking them.
Thank you for knowing me like no one else does. Thank you for loving me anyway. All the best for your wedding anniversary!
“A ring to subjugate them, to find them all, to drive them into darkness and bind them forever.”
Thee I love always, thee I love still today. And will love thee forever.
That we two share so many things, is more beautiful than to dwell alone. When I swore love to you, that was the most beautiful day for me.
On your wedding day, I wish you both a lot of time together. I wish you only the best of everything, happiness and health for the celebration. That your love will last forever, you are the most beautiful couple in the world.
And here these two seal to each other lasting love and faithfulness. High is the sweet dream of love above time and space.
I love you. You love me. What could be more beautiful that we have lived together for so long.
Love is a fire that never dies.
We celebrate this day because I like you so much. (I hope you like me too! ) We found each other by chance, quickly found each other to be good. And then after some time, we tied the knot and are still surrounded by love after all this time.
I am glad to have met you. I’m glad I met you. I’m glad we got married. I’m glad we’re growing old together. Happy anniversary to you!
Your most beautiful makeup is your smile that comes from the heart!
You are the sun that never sets; You are the moon that is always in the sky; You are the star that when the others are dark, still outshines the day with its spark; You are the sunless dawn; A bright day that no night threatens; The joy and hope reflection on earth - that’s you to me, what more can you become?
You are mine, I am yours: you shall be sure of that. You are locked in my heart. The little key is lost: you must always be in it.
That you love me makes me worthy of you.
Love lives on kind little things.
New Apartment:
Around your walls make storm and high waves!
Paint the walls, clean the floor and don’t dirty it afterwards. Carrying boxes, dowelling pictures and ironing your own laundry. All this comes as a reward, so to speak. It’s called the comfort of your first own apartment.
Door closed. World off. We wish you this feeling of freedom and satisfaction in your new apartment.
Home sweet home. Only the best wishes for moving into your new home.
And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of the beginning.
Home rules: We love each other. Laugh and spread good cheer. Follow our dreams. Believe in us. Don’t let our guard down. Say please and thank you. Treat each other with respect. Keep our promises. Never give up. Can forgive. Comfort and hug. Do what we love. Break the rules now and then.
For your new home we wish you to be happy and content. We have two gifts ready for your arrival: Bread, it never runs out, and salt, that spices every feast, as long as you stay here and share your bread with good friends. As long as you have salt and bread, all hardship will be far from you.
Do what you want. Carry the responsibility. Have the choice. Enjoy the freedom. All the best for moving in.
Some small spaces in life can give us whole worlds.
Every journey begins with the first step. All the best for moving in.
To make your life meaningful, there is the following measure: You should not live above your means and not below your level.
May your home always be clean enough to stay healthy and dirty enough to be happy.
There’s no place like home! Have fun in your new place and make yourself at home quickly.
There is room in the smallest hut, for a happy loving couple.
Where happiness once arrives, it easily spreads.
This is the new apartment - you have taken the step.
Happiness likes to enter a house where good mood prevails.
Your home can replace the world, but never the world your home.
Finally free and easy you jump through the rooms. Enjoy it, the time in your first own apartment as a new apartment beginner.
A small step for mankind. But a big step for you! Good luck in your new apartment!
Such a new beginning has something for itself! I wish you all the best, happiness, contentment and beautiful hours in your new apartment.
The last box is unpacked!
This feeling: Arriving. Being at home. Finding peace. Enjoy your new home!
I don’t like apartments that are made to measure. I would feel in it as if I had also ordered myself from an interior designer!
A new house, a new person.
My house is my castle.
One is not at home where one has his residence, but where one is understood.
The house is ready now, we think it is wonderful. We wish you only happiness and much contentment for all time!
Home is a name, a word, but a powerful one, stronger than any spell ever cast by a magician.
Learn order, love it, for it will save you time and trouble.
A bird wants to soar in the air, even if its cage were golden. A river digs its way into the sea, even if dams wanted to prevent it.
All changes, even the most desired ones, have their melancholy. For what we leave behind is a part of ourselves. We must say goodbye to one life before we can enter another.
Do you want to wander on and on? See, the good is so near. Only learn to grasp happiness, because happiness is always there.
Don’t cry because it’s over, but smile because it was beautiful.
Parting always hurts, even if you’ve been looking forward to it for a long time.
Even after saying goodbye, you are not alone. Every goodbye, with one eye crying and one eye laughing, tells you: there are friends who will always be there for you.
Words of farewell must be short, like a declaration of love.
At some point, the day will come when the path will part. Even if now everyone has to go his own way, I am sure that behind a bend - nobody knows when and where - we will meet again.
Leave the party when it suits you best.
Give each day the chance to be the most beautiful of your life.
Here for a long time there was only you and me, now you are gone - the world is changing. My tears of farewell fall silently, because I hope every day that we will meet again on a wonderful day, whenever it may come.
Parting is always a little bit of dying.
Most of the time, when two part, one suffers a little more.
Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
May your path be kind to you. May the sun light up your face. May the wind strengthen your back and the rain water the fields around you. May the kind God hold you in his hands.
What he is and what he was, we only realize when we say goodbye.
I don’t wish you anything good to say goodbye. No, I wish you the best. I don’t wish you happiness, but success. Don’t follow anyone, but find new paths. Maybe one day they will bring you back here.
As we say goodbye, let’s not complain, we still have enough to say of all the beautiful things and the things that make us laugh with you. And if we think back to it in five, ten or twenty years, then we must - there are already things - certainly still laugh about it.
One should always leave when it is most beautiful...
Soon they pack up the last. Now the full wagon tells me, what for life’s short run we carry all for ballast with us.
Where so much can be hoped for, parting is a celebration.
When people part, they say: goodbye!
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the rest of the world calls a butterfly.
How quickly goodbyes are said, how long it takes to see each other again!
If I can’t be a way to your happiness, I don’t want to stand in the way of your happiness!
One does not travel to arrive, but to travel.
I want to be a citizen of the world, at home everywhere and on the road everywhere.
The guardian angels of our lives sometimes fly so high that we can no longer see them, but they never lose sight of us.
The whole secret to prolonging one’s life is not to shorten it.
This is how it is on earth: Every soul is tested and is also comforted.
May you never long for the evening without having put a smile on someone’s face.
These are the strong ones of the world: who laugh through tears, hide their own sorrows, and make others happy.
Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!
When you look at the sky at night, it will be to you as if all the stars were laughing, because I live on one of them, because I laugh on one of them. You alone will have stars that can laugh.
And always there will be traces of your life, of your thoughts and moments. These traces will remind us of You. They will make us happy and they will make us sad. But above all, they will never let us forget that you existed.
And my soul spread its wings wide, flew through the silent lands as if it were flying home.
When the road was too rocky, the mountain too steep, the strength too little and the breath too weak, angels took you in their arms and told you: “Come home now.”
You see the sun slowly going down, and yet you are frightened when it has really become dark.
No one knows death; nor does anyone know if it is not the greatest gift to man. Nevertheless, it is feared as if it were certain that it is the worst of all evils.
People who could bring a smile to others’ faces are not dead, they live forever. Not only in front of God’s eyes, but also in the hearts of everyone who likes to think about them and then smile because they existed.
The most beautiful thing a person can leave us are the traces of his love, beloved in our hearts.
Sadness flies away on the wings of time.
God has commanded the angels to keep you in all your ways.
When people part, they say: goodbye!
Put everything quietly into God’s eternal hands, the sorrow, the pain, the beginning and the end.
Death may be the limit of life, but not of love.
Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled.
The wind blows a leaf from the tree, from many leaves one, this one leaf, you hardly notice it, because one is not one. But this leaf alone was a part of our life, so this one leaf alone we will always miss.
I came to your shore as a stranger, I dwelt in your house as a guest, I leave your threshold as a friend, my earth.
Do not stop me, for the Lord has given grace to my journey. Let me that I may go to my master.
Your dear heart has stopped beating, it wanted to be with us still. God help us to bear this burden, for without you nothing will be the same.
All is quiet! The moonbeam dances the round dance in forest and meadow, and above it sits the silence and the winter sky only.
Life, was it little for you, was it much for you? I only know one thing, you have reached your goal. You were allowed to be bedded in flowers, you have the rest now, earth becomes earth, and when the hour comes for us to approach you, let the hour, God, be like this.
Tears cleanse the heart.
You who walk my paths with me, feel every whim of my eyelash, tolerate and understand my wickedness - Do you know how hot you often touch me? When I am dead, you must not grieve at all.
When we talk about you and think of you with pleasure, the sun will give us its most beautiful rays. It sends us its light, you are no longer here, but you are not forgotten.
To accept the past and the present is to live tomorrow freely. To let go means to create the future.
How long do we live on earth? Not forever, only a small span. Jade breaks, gold is crushed, quetzal feathers snap. Nothing lasts on earth, everything lives only for a breath. Our time is borrowed, in a flash we must leave it behind.
Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there. I am not asleep.
Warm summer sun, shine brightly here. Warm southern wind, blow softly here. Green sod above, lie light, lie light. Good night, dear heart; good night, good night.
He who lives in the memory of his loved ones is not dead, he is only distant; dead is only he who is forgotten.
The circles of life are getting narrower and narrower, quietly, quietly, what is boasting and flaunting is fading away, hoping, hating, loving is fading away and nothing is left in sight but the last dark point.
Everything has a certain time, and every undertaking under heaven has its time. Being born has its time, and dying has its time....
I believe that when death closes our eyes, we stand in a light of which our sunlight is only a shadow.
Death smiles at all of us, the only thing you can do is smile back!
For himself, everyone is immortal; he may know that he must die, but he can never know that he is dead.
Mors laborum ac miseriarum quies est.
When one dies, one is dead. When a loved one dies, we have to live with it.
When you came into the world, you cried and everyone else smiled because they were content. When you died, everyone else cried, but you smiled because you were content with your life.
Beloved people always leave something here, something of their ideas, something of their stories, something of their life and, above all, all their love.
Sometimes God calls his angels too early.
There is nothing more beautiful that a person can leave than the smile of those who think of him.
Silently, without a word, you left our midst. You never give us your hand again, rest gently and have thanks.
Let, when the tired body falls asleep, the soul awake. And when the last day shall make evening with me, Pull me out of the valley of darkness to thee.
I have climbed the mountain that still troubles you, so do not weep, dear ones, I have completed my work.
My life story is soon told. Lost in silent eternity I slept, and nothing was missing until I was born visible. But what now? - On weak crutches, a light bundle on my back, I stumbled along confidently, stumbled over many a stone, sometimes straight, sometimes crooked, and finally I had to catch my breath. I rubbed my bald head apprehensively and looked around the area. Oh dear! I had run in circles, stood again at the old place, and before me stretches long and wide, as before, eternity.
I go to those who loved me, and wait for those who love me.
In the sea of living, sea of dying, tired in both, my soul seeks the mountain where all tide ebbs.
Weeping opens the lungs, washes the face, is good exercise for the eyes and soothes. So weep quietly.
The darker the night, the brighter the stars. The deeper the sorrow, the closer God is to you.
Give words to your grief. Grief that does not speak embraces the heart and makes it break.
Memory is a window through which we can see You whenever we want.
Death brings sorrow when it is the end, it brings hope when it is a turning point.
When we are where you are now, we will wonder why we cried.
Death is not the end, not impermanence, death is only the turning point, beginning of eternity.
With the death of a loved one, one loses many things, but never the time spent together.
Grief never stops, it becomes a part of our life. It changes and we change with it.
Death rearranges the world. Seemingly nothing has changed, and yet everything has changed." "When the sun of life sets, the stars of memory shine.
Death is like a candle that goes out when the day dawns.
You are no longer where You were, but You are everywhere we are.
From life You are taken from us, but not from our hearts.
Just as a leaf falls from a tree, a person leaves this world. But the little birds keep on singing.
Time does not heal all wounds, it only teaches us to live with the incomprehensible.
When I was born, you laughed and I cried. Now I smile and you cry.
When you lose a loved one, you gain a guardian angel.
There is a sorrow that does not tolerate foreign consolation and a pain that only time gently heals.
Good people are like stars, they shine long after they are extinguished.
People we love remain forever, because they leave traces in our hearts.
The most beautiful thing a person can leave behind is a smile on the face of those who think of him.
You see the sun slowly setting, yet you are startled when it is suddenly dark.
And somewhere there are always traces of your life, thoughts, images, moments, feelings. They will always remind us of you and thus never let us forget you.
Memory is a window through which I can see you whenever I want.
It doesn't matter at what time you lose a person, it's always too soon and it always hurts.
Memories are like stars in the night. They twinkle brightly in our hearts.
Your footsteps have fallen silent, but the traces of your life remain.
“No one is gone whom you love. Love is eternal presence.” Stefan Zweig - Austrian Writer
“In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars will be laughing when you look at the sky at night.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ━ French writer
“One lives twice: the first time in reality, the second time in memory.” Honoré de Balzac - French writer
“What you possess deep in your heart, you cannot lose through death.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - German poet
“And when your sorrow is comforted you will be content to have known me. You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ━ French writer
“We are His laughing mouth. When we mean ourselves in the midst of life, He dares to weep in the midst of us.” Rainer Maria Rilke - Austrian poet
“He who crosses a river must leave one side.” Mahatma Gandhi - Indian civil rights activist
“The only important things in life are traces of love we leave behind when we have to go away unasked and say goodbye.” Albert Schweitzer - German philosopher
“You are not dead, you only change rooms. You live in us and walk through our dreams.” Michelangelo - Italian painter and sculptor
“She is now free and our tears wish her happiness.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - German poet
“That which gives meaning to life also gives meaning to death.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - French writer
“Dying is not an eternal being separated; there is a reunion on a brighter day.” Michael Faulhaber - German clergyman
“What we lay up in the coffins is only the earth’s garment; what we love has remained, will remain with us for eternity.” Ernst Schulze - German poet
“And on the evening of my journey, the Eternal One lifts his hands. And he waves and smiles softly. And the journey is over.” Hermann Claudius (1878-1980) - German Poet
“Inner happiness is not dependent on material circumstances. It is rooted in our spirit.” Dalai Lama - Buddhist Faith Leader
“You who have loved me so, look not at the life I have ended, but at the one I am beginning.” Aurelius Augustine - Numidian Doctor of the Church
“Death is the gateway to the light at the end of a path that has become arduous.” Francis of Assisi - Italian Saint
“Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something has meaning, no matter how it turns out.” Václav Havel - Czech playwright
“You are no longer where you were, but you are everywhere we are.” Victor Hugo - French writer
“Hope is like a ray of sunshine penetrating a sad heart. Open it wide and let it in.” Christian Friedrich Hebbel - German playwright
“Very few people ever really are alive and those that are never die, no matter if they are gone. No one you love is ever dead.” Ernest Hemingway ━ US writer
“To be allowed to fall asleep when one is tired, and to be allowed to drop a burden that one has carried for a long time, that is a delicious, wonderful thing.” Hermann Hesse - Swiss-German writer
“Death is nothing at all. It does not count. I have only slipped away into the next room. Nothing has happened. Everything remains exactly as it was. I am I, and you are you, and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by the old familiar name. Speak of me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference into your tone. Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was. There is absolute and unbroken continuity. What is this death but a negligible accident? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just round the corner. All is well. Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before. How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!” Henry Scott Holland ━ British Theologian
“He who lives in the memory of his loved ones is not dead, he is only distant; dead is only he who is forgotten.” Immanuel Kant - German Philosopher
“Dying is only moving to a nicer house.” Elisabeth Kübler-Ross - US psychiatrist
“If it is possible for you to enrich the love in the world with just a little spark, then you have not lived in vain.” Jack London - US writer
“The bonds of love are not cut with death.” Thomas Mann - German writer
“And my soul spread wide its wings, flew through the silent lands as if it were flying home.” Joseph von Eichendorff - German Poet
“The dead are not gone, they go with them. Invisible they are only, inaudible is their step.” Gorch Fock - German Writer
“I am not dead, I only change rooms, I live in you and walk through your dreams.” Michelangelo - Italian painter and sculptor
“Somewhere the flower of farewell blossoms and keeps scattering pollen that we breathe; even in the coming winter we breathe farewell.” Rainer Maria Rilke - Austrian Poet
“When I am dead you must not grieve at all My love will outlive me And in strange clothes meet you And bless you.” Joachim Ringelnatz - German Writer
“There are only two remedies for the suffering of the soul: hope and patience.” Pythagoras of Samos ━ Greek polymath
“I believe that when death closes our eyes we shall awaken to a light, of which our sunlight is but the shadow.” Arthur Schopenhauer ━ German Philosopher
“We should weep for men at their birth, not at their death.” Charles-Louis de Montesquieu ━ French writer
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.” William Shakespeare ━ British playwright
“No one knows death, and no one knows whether it is not the very greatest happiness for man.” Socrates ━ Greek philosopher
“Love is stronger than death and the terrors of death. Love alone sustains and moves our lives.” Ivan Turgenev ━ Russian writer
Quotes by topics (German)
Arthur Schopenhauer
Ancient Greeks (German)
Citations francophones
Beautiful quotes from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's art fairy tale The Little Prince in seven languages.